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  Amy Foster, Director, Gardiner Learning Commons

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Citing Sources
  • T-P uses the MLA (Modern Language Association)'s method, using parenthetical citations. This way, all classes teach one method that is reinforced across the curriculum. The library is always a good place to go if you have questions regarding this process, and your classes will come in often to practice this important skill, which you will take to college and beyond.

    The most recent edition of the MLA Manual (8th) is available in the library, however, many good sources can also be found online.

    The most important part of this process is to learn to give credit where credit is due, therefore we recommend using online software like Noodletools  to format the data into a proper Works Cited page. 

    A great source for help is Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL)

    Once the Works Cited document is "Save or Exported to Word (or GoogleDocs)" within Noodletools, it can be printed and used to create the internal citations within the body of a paper. You can log into your Noodletools account from anywhere; the sources, cards, outline and even GoogleDocs paper will be waiting for you!

    To create parenthetical citations, use the first word of the citation (usually the author's last name) and the page number of the reference, if available, without a comma. If there is no author, use the title of the source, shortened, if possible. Do not use any abbreviations such as p. pp. pg., #, etc., JUST THE NUMBER ITSELF: for example  (Smith 32) for a work by Smith on page 32. Since there are not page numbers on most electronic sources such as websites, just use the name, or, if available, use a permanent identifier, ie. a paragraph number, AND USE "par." OR "pars." - with a comma first - to distinguish them from page numbers ie. (Smith, par. 32) for the 32nd paragraph of a webpage by Smith.

    Questions? This stuff is confusing! Here are more examples, or just ask! Stop by, email Mrs. Foster!


The Fair Use Checklist

The Checklist and this introduction is licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution License with attribution to the original creators of the checklist Kenneth D. Crews (formerly of Columbia University) and Dwayne K. Buttler (University of Louisville).

Creative Commons License