Varsity Baseball

Varsity Baseball 2024

Lower Baseball

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Be sure to follow Trinity-Pawling Baseball on Twitter at @TPridebaseball to keep up with the team!

Trinity-Pawling Pride

Play for the pride

Interested in playing for the Trinity-Pawling Pride? Our coaches would love to hear from you!

Athletic Recruiting

Pride Varsity Baseball catcher warms up with the pitcher before the next inning
A Trinity-Pawling baseball player plays the infield during a game
A Trinity-Pawling baseball player swings the bat at the plate

In our baseball program, we strive to make our players better on and off the field and truly believe in the school’s holistic approach to building young men of integrity. We aim to instill the values, discipline, and habits necessary to find success at Trinity-Pawling and beyond. 
Head Coach Cody Doyle