![]() ![]() The start of school is just around the corner! As a reminder, please read through this Back to School Checklist carefully and complete all required forms and information as soon as possible to ensure your son can safely return to campus. Thank you!
Magnus Health Action Required
If you haven't already completed the mandatory health forms, guardian contact information, and COVID-19 screening information in your Magnus Health account, please do so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If we do not have all of your son's health forms and information, he will not be allowed on campus.
To access your Magnus Health portal, please login to the Parent Portal on our website.
If you are having difficulty navigating the Magnus system, please contact the Health Center: tharrah@trinitypawling.org or 845-855-4848.
Negative COVID-19 Test Action Required
Please visit www.coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-testing for more information.
The Pride Pandemic Pledge Signature Required
The Pride Pandemic Pledge is a Social Health Contract outlining a commitment between all Trinity-Pawling community members. This commitment will be essential to the health of our school community as we navigate the Fall Term and beyond. It will require all students, faculty, and staff to comply with specific on-campus health protocols and mitigation strategies. We will ask all community members, including Day Students, to avoid high-risk activities and interactions that could negatively impact the health of our campus.
Please visit www.trinitypawling.org/pride-pledge to electronically sign the Pride Pandemic Pledge and agree to the commitment for the 2020-2021 school year. All students must submit a pledge signature before arriving on campus.
Remote Learning Students: In addition to signing the pledge, all students joining the community remotely must also agree to abide by the standards outlined in the Remote Learning Honor Code. All remote learning students must submit their pledge prior to the start of classes on September 7.
Student Technology Access Form Form Submission Required
In preparation for the new school year, we request that you please complete this Student Technology Access form to inform Trinity-Pawling of your access to specific technology. In the event that students will have to attend classes remotely – either from dorm rooms (Boarding Students) or from home (Day Students) – the School needs to ensure that every student has access to a learning device.
For Boarding Students: Move-In Time Slots Form Submission Required
Trinity-Pawling Boarding Students will return in a staggered plan between August 29-31, 2020. Your move-in date will be based on the dormitory you have been assigned.
Move-In Dates by Dorm:
Signing Up for a Move-In Time Slot:
Parents of new students will need to set up a Pick-A-Time account before selecting a campus arrival time. The time you select will be the time you should arrive on campus.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: For all move-in information and guidelines, please review the Boarding Students Move-In Schedule communication sent out last week by Dutch Keel, Dean of Residential Life.
For Day Students: Arrival Time Slots Form Submission Required
All Trinity-Pawling Day Students will arrive on campus on September 1, 2020 for COVID-19 testing.
Signing Up for an Arrival Time Slot:
On-campus COVID-19 testing for Day Students will be held at the Smith Field House on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Noon). Please use Pick-A-Time to select your testing appointment slot.
Parents of new students will need to set up a Pick-A-Time account before selecting a campus arrival time. Returning parents can use the account used in the past for parent conferences. If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot Password.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: For all move-in information and guidelines, please review the Day Students Arrival Schedule communication sent out last week by Josh Collins '95, Dean of Students.
Day Student Orientation Schedule
It is imperative for each Day Student to attend Orientation on Thursday, September 3, 2020 so that they may learn about the new protocols, guidelines, and expectations for all students and faculty on campus. Please review this complete schedule for the Day Student Opening Days.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Josh Collins '95, Dean of Students, at jcollins@trinitypawling.org.
Student ID Cards
Returning Students:
New Students: Photo Submission Required In order to prepare your ID cards for the start of school and to expedite the move-in process on campus, we will need every new student to submit a photo to be used on his ID. If you haven't done so already, please submit a photo as soon as possible.
Student Account Worksheet / T-P Card Form Submission Required
The T-P Card is a convenient, prepaid money management debit card account that allows your son to enjoy purchases at The School Store and The Cave, as well as access to cash. All students are required to have a T-P Card.
Setting up your son's T-P Card Account can be completed in 2 easy steps:
If you have any questions regarding your son's T-P Card Account, please reach out to Kasey Diotte, Student Accounts, at kdiotte@trinitypawling.org.
Acceptable Use Policy Signature Required
In order to access the wireless network on any device at Trinity-Pawling, all parents and students must read and sign the Acceptable Use Policy.
Trinity-Pawling School
Please note: This form must be signed and returned to Trinity-Pawling's Technology Department before a student (new or returning) is granted access to any School computer, internet, or network resource.
Athletics and Equipment Form Submission Required
As mentioned in the Reopening Plan: Part 2, the athletic program at Trinity-Pawling for the Fall Term will proceed without interscholastic competition but will focus on individual and sport-specific skill development, wellness activities, and intramural activities.
Please complete this Fall Sports questionnaire to inform our athletic staff of your Fall Term sport selection(s).
Additionally, face coverings and/or physical distancing will be required components of any athletic activity. Appropriate face coverings include cloth-based face coverings (e.g., homemade sewn, quick cut, bandana), and surgical masks that cover both the nose and mouth.
We also require that all student-athletes bring their own reusable water bottle (or 2).
If you have any questions about athletics at Trinity-Pawling for the 2020-2021 school year, please reach out to Brian Foster, Director of Athletics, at bfoster@trinitypawling.org.
Parent Portal
For all boarding information, packing lists, driving forms, and school policies pertaining to the 2020-2021 school year, please visit the Forms & Information page in the Parent Portal.
If you are having trouble logging into the Parent Portal, please reach out to Linda Improta, Assistant Director of Technology, at limprota@trinitypawling.org.
Face Masks
To ensure the health and safety of our community, masks will be required to be worn in the dormitory common areas, in hallways and lobbies, and outside when social distancing cannot be ensured. Generally, faculty and students will also be expected to wear a face covering during classroom instruction. All Boarding Students will be required to have a 14-day supply of cloth masks. All Day Students should also be prepared with at least one cloth mask prior to arriving on campus each morning. Cloth masks will also be available for purchase at the School Store, and the entire School is fully stocked with PPE.
School Store Information
The School Store will not be open for in-person shopping during Opening Days and move-in. Instead, families can order online and have the orders delivered to your son's room. Please make sure to put your son's name and dorm room on the online order form.
Our selection of Trinity-Pawling face masks can be found under New Items.
The School Store will also continue to process online orders and ship them or deliver them to students on campus throughout the start of the Fall Term.
If you have any questions about placing a School Store order, please contact Sara Ferraris, School Store Manager, at sferraris@trinitypawling.org.
Questions? Reach Out!
Admissions Office 845-855-4825
For all information on Reopening Campus, please visit our Reopening Campus online hub: www.trinitypawling.org/reopen
We look forward to seeing you on campus for the Fall Term! Trinity-Pawling School | 700 Route 22 | Pawling, NY 12564 | 845.855.3100 | www.trinitypawling.org © 2020 Trinity-Pawling School |