EthicsPoint Hotline
Don't Keep Concerns to Yourself.
Trinity-Pawling School is an organization with strong values of integrity, tradition and community. Our Code of Conduct outlines the School’s behavioral expectations and standards of conduct for all members of our community.
The School is committed to an environment where open, honest communication is the expectation, not the exception. Typically, the best place for a student to raise a concern or ask a question is with the Head of School, Dean of Counseling or Dean of Resident Life. Employees should feel comfortable to reach out to the Head of School or any member of the Code of Conduct Committee.
The School recognizes that there are some situations where you prefer to remain anonymous. Therefore, the School has contracted with EthicsPoint to provide a confidential Internet and telephone based reporting tool to give members of our community (students, faculty and staff) an anonymous and confidential way to address:
- physical or sexual assault or misconduct
- bullying, hazing, harassment or discrimination
- threats of violence
- weapons possession
- mismanagement of funds
- fraud
- or other violations of law or School policy.
Please visit www.trinitypawling.
What is EthicsPoint?
EthicsPoint is a third-party service which provides hotline services to numerous academic institutions throughout the United States. By using EthicsPoint, the person who is raising the question or concern may choose to remain anonymous. However, please be aware that it may not be feasible for the School to complete its investigation and follow up on certain types of reports if you choose to remain anonymous. Reports submitted to EthicsPoint will be handled as promptly and as confidentially as possible, consistent with School policies and applicable state, federal and local laws.