Student Life
We’re more than a school community — we’re a family.
There’s no greater experience than living, learning, and growing alongside 275 brothers. Our campus life experience is designed to enrich each student’s academic journey while helping them develop 21st century skills, discover new passions and talents, and build a supportive network of friends and mentors — connections that will last a lifetime.
Trinity-Pawling had an excellent impact on my life. There, I learned to become a better person, student, and friend. I still use techniques and skills learned at the School on an everyday basis. Thank you to the teachers for their commitment and support. Go Pride!
Elliot Kaitz ’07
The Trinity-Pawling Experience
Interested in learning more about the value of the Trinity-Pawling experience — including our beautiful campus, distinctive programs, outstanding faculty, ethos of effort, and a community like no other? Take a virtual tour of campus to get started!